

OPTOCOUPLER İzole edilmiş iki devre arasında elektrik sinyali iletmeyi sağlar. Kızılötesi ışık yayan bir LED ile bu ışığı algılayan ışığa duyarlı bir cihazdan meydana gelir. Kızılötesi led, üzerinden geçen akım ile orantılı ışık yayar. optocoupler üzerindeki ışığa duyarlı fototransistör akım geçirmeye başlar ve açılmış olur. infrared led or led/ optocoupler iç yapsı Bir optocoupler, giriş/çıkış devresini etkin bir biçimde izole eder . Bu cihaz PCB'nize monte edilen izole edilmiş iki devreyi birbirine bağlayan bir anahtar gibi çalışır. Akım,  LED üzerinden akmayı durdurduğunda ışığa duyarlı cihaz da iletmeyi durdurur, ışığa duyarlı cihaz dediğimiz şey tabi ki foto-transistör arkadaşlar, ve kapanır. Genelde DC devrelerde kullanılan : Foto-Transistör, Foto-Darlington               AC devrelerde kullanılan : Foto-SCR, Foto-Triac çeşitleri vardır. Optocoupler; low voltage ve high voltage devreleri arasında izolasyon sağlamak iç...


AC SIGNALS: Th signals with a constant value of amplitude are called "Direct Current" (DC) signals. Here the current flowing through the circuit has a fixed value.  However, there are signals that have a time varying amplitude. These are called "Alternating Current" (AC) signals. Pure AC signals are centered at 0 voltage level. The most common ones are; sinusoidal , square and triangular waves. Sinusoidal waveform Va: peak voltage (max) Vpp: peak to peak voltage (difference of between max and min) Square waveform Triangular waveform The formula for sinusoidal wave is;      Sinusoidal: Vsinusoidal(t) = Va*sin(2*pi*(1/T)*t), where t is time variable. (Notice how voltage of sinusoidal is a function of time, t). Pi is pi (i don't know how to write 'pi'), the gradient which corresponds to 180 degree.      The important parameters are;      - T, Period : The duration for one cycle to finish. Unit is...


Truth Tables and Verilog Codes for one-bit Half Adder and Full Adder HALF ADDER By using half adder, you can design simple addition with the help of logic gates.   Half Adder 0+0 = 0 0+1 = 1 1+0 = 1 1+1 = 10 These are the least possible single-bit combinations. But the result for 1+1 is 10, the sum result must be re-written as a 2-bit output. Thus, the equations can be written as 0+0 = 00 0+1 = 01 1+0 = 01 1+1 = 10 The output ‘1’of ‘10’ is carry-out. ‘SUM’ is the normal output and ‘CARRY’ is the carry-out. Half Adder Logic Circuit HALF ADDER TRUTH TABLE :   S= A’B+AB’ C=AB If we want to write Verilog modules and testbench codes including every possible outcome, for Half Adder and Full Adder: HALF ADDER CODE: module halfandfull(A,B,C,S); input A,B; output C,S; assign C = A^B; assign S = A&B; endmodule HALF ADDER TEST BENCH CODE: module halffulltb;     ...

Operational Amplifier

WHAT IS AN OP-AMP? An operational amplifier is a DC-coupled high-gain electronic voltage amplifier with a differantial input and, usually, a single-ended output. Let's design 2 types of Op-Amp circuit in Matlab Project. Op-Amplifier usually have 2 inputs and 1 output. (-) marked end is evolved, (+) marked end is not evolved. If you apply a signal to the (-) sign, you can get an output signal that is 180 degrees out of phase from the output as this tip is evolved. If you apply a signal to the (+) sign, there will be no change in your output signal, because this marked end is not evolved. The gain at low frequencies is usually large. Now let's examine the Non-Inverting Op-Amp: The using the formula to calculate the output voltage of a potential divider network, we can calculate the voltage gain (Av) of the Non-Inverting Amplifier as follows: Now let's examine the inverting Op-Amp: GUI DESIGN GUI DESIGN Let...