
Temmuz, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


AC SIGNALS: Th signals with a constant value of amplitude are called "Direct Current" (DC) signals. Here the current flowing through the circuit has a fixed value.  However, there are signals that have a time varying amplitude. These are called "Alternating Current" (AC) signals. Pure AC signals are centered at 0 voltage level. The most common ones are; sinusoidal , square and triangular waves. Sinusoidal waveform Va: peak voltage (max) Vpp: peak to peak voltage (difference of between max and min) Square waveform Triangular waveform The formula for sinusoidal wave is;      Sinusoidal: Vsinusoidal(t) = Va*sin(2*pi*(1/T)*t), where t is time variable. (Notice how voltage of sinusoidal is a function of time, t). Pi is pi (i don't know how to write 'pi'), the gradient which corresponds to 180 degree.      The important parameters are;      - T, Period : The duration for one cycle to finish. Unit is seconds.